Chick Lit Plus Tour

Hey There! It’s been a long while since I’ve posted. Eek! Sorry about that. It was a busy spring with a lot of out-of-town time, and summer’s been a hefty one that’s flying by too quickly. I’ve had a rejuvenating and inspiring summer, nevertheless, and been getting some awesome reading and writing time in. I’m working on a new women’s fiction piece that I think you’re going to like, and I’m in the very early stages of something very different.

Throughout August I’m touring with the lovely ladies over at Chick Lit Plus again, touring with When Girlfriends Let Go. There’s a giveaway going on, with 3 prizes for 3 winners, so check it out! One winner will snag a $25 Amazon gift card, another a $25 Victoria’s Secret gift card, and one lucky winner will get a signed copy of When Girlfriends Chase Dreams in the mail. Entries are multiple (giving you better odds of winning) and super easy.

CLP Blog Tour When Girlfriends Let Go Button
CLP Blog Tour When Girlfriends Let Go Button

I hope everyone’s been enjoying their summer. The chilly breezes Berlin’s been having the past week are sad signs the season’s coming to a close, but my birthday is this month so there’s no rhyme or reason for a sad face! Sunshine or dreary rains, August is always a super month!

Happy Reading!